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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Overstates Status of COVID-19 Antibody Drugs

Trump Overstates Status of COVID-19 Antibody Drugs

Calling investigational COVID-19 antibody drugs “cures” in a video posted to Twitter, President Donald Trump incorrectly said the therapies had been authorized and that “hundreds of thousands of doses” were nearly ready.

Trump’s Dubious Claim That He’s Not Contagious

Trump’s Dubious Claim That He’s Not Contagious

Less than a week after being hospitalized due to COVID-19, President Donald Trump now says, “I don’t think I’m contagious at all.” But medical experts say he may very well be.

Viral Image Spreads Bogus Trump Quote on COVID-19 Recovery

Viral Image Spreads Bogus Trump Quote on COVID-19 Recovery

A viral image on social media is spreading a fabricated quote attributed to President Donald Trump. There’s no evidence the president ever said that doctors have “never seen a body kill the Coronavirus like my body,” and that they “tested my DNA and it wasn’t DNA. It was USA.”

Video: Highlights of the VP Debate

Video: Highlights of the VP Debate

In this video, we review some of the claims Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence made during the vice presidential debate on Oct. 7.

Trump Campaign Aide’s Dubious Claim on Protecting the President

Trump Campaign Aide’s Dubious Claim on Protecting the President

A senior adviser to President Trump’s campaign made the dubious claim that Trump was “probably the most protected person on Earth,” because his visitors “must submit to a COVID test” and “people don’t physically get close” to him.

Trump’s COVID-19 Misinformation Since Testing Positive

Trump’s COVID-19 Misinformation Since Testing Positive

Even after contracting the coronavirus and being hospitalized, President Donald Trump has continued to downplay the risks of COVID-19 and exaggerate the progress the U.S. has made in fighting the pandemic.

Viral Article Distorts Military’s Role in Vaccine Distribution

Viral Article Distorts Military’s Role in Vaccine Distribution

The U.S. military may assist in the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, but it will not forcibly administer vaccines, as a viral article shared on social media falsely suggests. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has said mandatory vaccination “would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”

Timeline of Contradictory Statements on Trump’s Health

Timeline of Contradictory Statements on Trump’s Health

Since President Trump announced on Oct. 2 that he had tested positive for COVID-19, White House staff and the president’s physicians have provided confusing and at times contradictory information about the president’s health.

Viral Posts Don’t Give Full Picture of Mask Mandates in States

Viral Posts Don’t Give Full Picture of Mask Mandates in States

Viral Facebook posts misleadingly claim that Florida, Georgia, Idaho, South Dakota and Tennessee have become “mask free.” None has a statewide mask mandate — but individual cities and counties in each of those states do have orders requiring face coverings to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.