Calling investigational COVID-19 antibody drugs “cures” in a video posted to Twitter, President Donald Trump incorrectly said the therapies had been authorized and that “hundreds of thousands of doses” were nearly ready.
Issues: COVID-19
Trump’s Dubious Claim That He’s Not Contagious
Viral Image Spreads Bogus Trump Quote on COVID-19 Recovery
Video: Highlights of the VP Debate
FactChecking the Vice Presidential Debate
Trump Campaign Aide’s Dubious Claim on Protecting the President
Trump’s COVID-19 Misinformation Since Testing Positive
Viral Article Distorts Military’s Role in Vaccine Distribution
The U.S. military may assist in the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, but it will not forcibly administer vaccines, as a viral article shared on social media falsely suggests. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, has said mandatory vaccination “would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”