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Video: Biden’s Crime Bill Claims

Video: Biden’s Crime Bill Claims

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses three claims Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made about his support for the 1994 crime bill. 

Biden on the 1994 Crime Bill

Biden on the 1994 Crime Bill

Former Vice President Joe Biden defended his support decades ago for a controversial crime bill, saying, “There’s another part of my long record that’s being grossly misrepresented: the 1994 crime bill.” We’ll go through Biden’s points about what was in the bill and what he supported or opposed.

The Trumps vs. de Blasio on NYC Crime

The Trumps vs. de Blasio on NYC Crime

President Donald Trump and his son Eric both took shots this week at New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, saying crime has risen in the city under his leadership. That’s wrong, according to crime data kept by the New York Police Department.

Trump’s Misdirection on ‘Criminal Aliens’

Trump’s Misdirection on ‘Criminal Aliens’

President Donald Trump suggests that the percentage of “illegal aliens” in federal prisons supports the need for a border wall. But it’s misleading to look only at the federal prison population, since state prisons and local jails house approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. incarcerated population.

Trump Wrong About Wall Effect in El Paso

Trump Wrong About Wall Effect in El Paso

President Donald Trump falsely claimed that El Paso went from “one of the most dangerous cities in the country to one of the safest cities in the country overnight” after “a wall was put up” along the Mexico border.

Misleading Ads from Leading GOP PAC

Misleading Ads from Leading GOP PAC

Congressional Leadership Fund, the highest-spending super PAC seeking to sway House races in the upcoming midterms, has been flooding TV airwaves around the country with ads attacking Democrats running in close races. But we found that some of those ads are misleading.

Q&A: The Death Penalty for Drug Trafficking?

Q&A: The Death Penalty for Drug Trafficking?

The Trump administration’s initiative to combat the opioid epidemic aims to reduce drug demand, curtail illicit drug supply and expand addiction treatment. But the aspect that garnered headlines was President Trump’s repeated emphasis on seeking the death penalty for drug traffickers. We answer several key questions on the topic.