In recent days, President Donald Trump has repeatedly and baselessly suggested that counting mail-in ballots after Election Day will result in fraud.
Issues: election fraud
Viral Posts Take Biden Quote on Voter Fraud Out of Context
In Pennsylvania Rallies, Trump Distorts Voting Issues
FactChecking Trump’s Town Hall
Video: The First Debate
FactChecking the First Trump-Biden Debate
Trump’s Repeated False Attacks on Mail-In Ballots
Trump’s False Statement About Counting Ballots in Pennsylvania
Baseless Claim Turns Fake IDs Story into Voter Fraud Tale
A claim being shared on Facebook distorts the facts about fake IDs seized in a Chicago airport this year, baselessly claiming the phony IDs were tied to names “ALL Registered to Vote” as Democrats. Federal authorities announced no connection to a voter fraud scheme, and those making the claim offer no evidence.