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Bogus Claim of Voter Fraud in Ohio

Bogus Claim of Voter Fraud in Ohio

Q: Were there “major signs of voter fraud” in Ohio’s congressional special election?

A: No. The Ohio Secretary of State’s office says there have been no reports of voter fraud.

False Headline Revives Voter Fraud Claim

False Headline Revives Voter Fraud Claim

Q:  Did Fox News reveal that President Obama rigged the 2016 election with “4 million illegal votes”?

A: No. That falsehood is based on a pre-election interview with an election lawyer who discussed the possibility of votes being cast on behalf of dead people.

There Are No “M.A.G.A. Checks”

There Are No “M.A.G.A. Checks”

Q: Can U.S. residents collect “M.A.G.A. Checks”?

A: No. A “M.A.G.A. Check” is the invention of a publisher selling an investment guide that makes promises of easy money.

Trump’s Misguided Comparison

Trump’s Misguided Comparison

President Donald Trump made an apples-to-oranges comparison to suggest that his predecessor and Democrats have changed their tune on election rigging.

Video: Stats Not Voter Fraud ‘Proof’

Video: Stats Not Voter Fraud ‘Proof’

This week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org shows why Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach does not have “proof” of widespread voter fraud in New Hampshire.

Kobach’s Bogus ‘Proof’ of Voter Fraud

Kobach’s Bogus ‘Proof’ of Voter Fraud

Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, claims to have “proof” of voter fraud in New Hampshire that may have swung a U.S. Senate election in favor of the Democrats. He doesn’t.

25 Million Clinton Votes Weren’t Fake

25 Million Clinton Votes Weren’t Fake

Q: Did NPR report that a study found “over 25 million Hillary Clinton votes were completely fraudulent,” and that she “actually lost the popular vote”?

A: No. That claim was made in a story that conflates a 2012 article about inaccuracies in voter registration rolls with actual fraudulent votes.

100 Days of Whoppers

100 Days of Whoppers

Donald Trump, the candidate we dubbed the ‘King of Whoppers’ in 2015, has held true to form as president.

No Evidence of Busing Voters to N.H.

No Evidence of Busing Voters to N.H.

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller doubled down on President Trump’s unsupported claim that thousands of voters were bused in from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire.