Following the release of the latest jobs report on March 7, President Donald Trump suggested that his administration — which has been in office since Jan. 20 — is responsible for significant job growth. The growth in February was steady, but to support his claims, Trump made several misleading statements about the economy he inherited.
Issues: employment
Full-Time Employment Increased Under Biden, Contrary to Rick Scott’s Claim
As we reported in January, President Donald Trump inherited a resilient economy experiencing continued growth in jobs, including an increase in full-time workers. But Republican Sen. Rick Scott recently painted a much different picture, calling the pre-Trump economy “crappy” and falsely claiming that full-time employment was “dropping almost the entire Biden administration.”
Biden’s Numbers, 2024 Pre-Election Update
Trump Calls a Routine Revision of Job Numbers a ‘Lie’
Each year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revises its monthly employment figures, which come from a survey of employers, based on more comprehensive data it obtains later from state filings. But former President Donald Trump called this year’s revision a “total lie,” baselessly claiming that “the Harris/Biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics.”
Republican National Convention, Opening Night
FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas
Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic
Since President Joe Biden took office, the economy has added nearly 14.8 million jobs, 5.4 million more than the pre-pandemic peak in early 2020. All told, it’s an average monthly job growth of more than 400,000. But Biden misleadingly contrasts that with a loss of jobs under former President Donald Trump — a loss that occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.