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Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper goes over seven claims from our analysis of the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Video: The Second Debate

Video: The Second Debate

In this video, we highlight six claims from the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Oct. 9 in St. Louis.

Obama’s Numbers July 2016 Update

Obama’s Numbers July 2016 Update

Our quarterly update of statistical indicators on jobs, wages, debt, energy, illegal immigration, food stamps and more.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama repeat claims that we’ve debunked before, on trade, taxes, wages, energy and the Iraq War.

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Trade deficit and illegal immigration are down; real weekly earnings and federal debt are up. Our quarterly update of Obama’s scorecard.

Obama’s Wind Energy Claim

Obama’s Wind Energy Claim

In his State of the Union address, President Obama said, “in fields from Iowa to Texas, wind power is now cheaper than dirtier, conventional power.” That is true in some pockets of the country, but the national average for coal and gas prices is still less.

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Hillary Clinton and a man from an environmental group sparred about whether she had taken money from the fossil fuel industry. Campaigns are prohibited from taking money directly from corporations, but Clinton has received donations from employees of oil and gas companies.

Ethanol: Higher Emissions or Lower?

Ethanol: Higher Emissions or Lower?

In dueling TV ads, foes of the federal ethanol mandate claim that it “doubles greenhouse gas emissions,” while the ethanol lobby says that “the oil industry is lying” and the mandate will lead to lower emissions.