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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Clinton and Fossil Fuel Money

Hillary Clinton and a man from an environmental group sparred about whether she had taken money from the fossil fuel industry. Campaigns are prohibited from taking money directly from corporations, but Clinton has received donations from employees of oil and gas companies.

Ethanol: Higher Emissions or Lower?

Ethanol: Higher Emissions or Lower?

In dueling TV ads, foes of the federal ethanol mandate claim that it “doubles greenhouse gas emissions,” while the ethanol lobby says that “the oil industry is lying” and the mandate will lead to lower emissions.

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)

As we do every three months, we offer here a fresh update of selected statistical indicators of what has happened since Barack Obama first took the oath of office in January 2009.

FactChecking the GOP Responses

FactChecking the GOP Responses

There were multiple official and unofficial Republican responses to President Obama’s State of the Union address, but only a few instances of the president’s critics stretching the facts.

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

A Republican TV ad says Senate candidate Rick Weiland is going across South Dakota saying “he’s one of us” when “Weiland supports higher payroll taxes.” Not for all, he doesn’t.

NRCC, Again, Cherry-picks Data

NRCC, Again, Cherry-picks Data

The National Republican Congressional Committee once again uses selective evidence to attack a congressman for supporting President Obama. This time, the target is Democratic Rep. Nick Rahall of West Virginia.

Stretching the Truth in Arkansas

Stretching the Truth in Arkansas

The conservative group Americans for Prosperity stretches the truth to attack Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas for “higher gas and grocery bills.”

Pipeline Primer

Pipeline Primer

The Keystone XL project: We examine the facts about jobs, spills, climate change and gasoline prices.