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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden’s ‘Buy America’ Spin

Biden’s ‘Buy America’ Spin

President Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed that past presidents, including his predecessor, have “ignored” or “failed to uphold” laws requiring that federal government money be used to purchase only U.S. materials or products. Biden has expanded and emphasized such requirements, but we found no indication other presidents didn’t abide by the laws on the books during their tenures.

Spending Bill Includes Pay Raise for Staffers, Not Members of Congress

Spending Bill Includes Pay Raise for Staffers, Not Members of Congress

President Joe Biden signed a $1.5 trillion bill that funds the federal government and provides assistance to Ukraine. Social media posts misrepresent the bill by implying Congress members gave themselves a 21% pay raise. The bill increases House office budgets by 21%, which likely will result in pay raises for staffers — but not for members of Congress.

Senator Misleads on ‘Absurd’ Science

Senator Misleads on ‘Absurd’ Science

Sen. Rand Paul misrepresented two studies supported by federal grants, while advocating legislation he introduced to change the federal grant funding process.

Obama Center Not Federally Funded

Obama Center Not Federally Funded

Q: Did President Trump cancel funding to build Barack Obama’s presidential library?

A: No. That story originated on a satirical news site. All presidential libraries have been constructed using private or non-federal funds.

Smith Spins NASA Funding

Smith Spins NASA Funding

Rep. Lamar Smith said that, after national security agencies, “NASA received the most favorable budget request from the Trump administration.” True, but President Trump’s 2018 proposal would still cut NASA’s budget by about 3 percent compared with the agency’s enacted budget for 2017.

Overstating Impact of Funding Stalemate

Overstating Impact of Funding Stalemate

Some Democrats overstated the potential impacts of a congressional stalemate that threatens to leave the Department of Homeland Security without funding after Feb. 27.