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Wind Energy’s Key Environmental Advantage? Low Emissions

Wind Energy’s Key Environmental Advantage? Low Emissions

Q: Are wind farms harmful to the environment?

A: Like all energy sources, wind farms have some negative environmental impacts. But getting energy from wind farms results in dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions than getting it from fossil fuels.

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

President Trump and his allies continue to ignore Joe Biden’s written plan to only prohibit permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land and waters. That plan would allow for extraction methods to continue under existing permits and in nonfederal areas.

Video: Highlights of the VP Debate

Video: Highlights of the VP Debate

In this video, we review some of the claims Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence made during the vice presidential debate on Oct. 7.

Misleading Ad Targets Biden on Fossil Fuels, Fracking

Misleading Ad Targets Biden on Fossil Fuels, Fracking

A TV ad from a Republican super PAC uses video of Joe Biden inaccurately explaining his climate plan against him. Biden’s campaign has said he would not completely ban fossil fuels, specifically fracking, as the ad appears to show him saying.

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

CO2: Friend or Foe to Agriculture?

Rep. Lamar Smith said climate change “alarmists” ignore the “positive impacts” of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, such as increased food production and quality. But the impact of increased CO2 levels on agriculture is more complicated than that — and, on balance, likely negative, particularly in the future.