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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says the Republican tax plans will be a “job-killer,” but most economic analyses of the plans suggest, on balance, modest job growth.

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

The president revises history, exaggerates accomplishments and makes false claims.

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

At a rally in West Virginia, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration is “bringing back to America” manufacturing jobs “by the hundreds of thousands.”


Q: What is the difference between GDP and GNP?
A: GDP is the market value of everything produced within a country; GNP is the value of what’s produced by a country’s residents, no matter where they live.