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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s School Safety Funding Falsehood

Trump’s School Safety Funding Falsehood

President Donald Trump boasted that his administration recently provided “historic levels of funding to improve school safety” and “hire more officers” through the newly created STOP School Violence Act. But the new law does not fund school safety at “historic levels.”

Schumer’s CHIP Spin

Schumer’s CHIP Spin

Sen. Chuck Schumer said the White House proposes “taking money away from kids who need health care.” But congressional budget experts say a plan to rescind unspent funds wouldn’t affect federal spending or the number of individuals covered in the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

FactChecking McCarthy’s Statistics

FactChecking McCarthy’s Statistics

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy got some of his facts wrong about mandatory spending and the labor participation rate during a recent appearance on Fox Business.

Cruz Wrong on Sandy Relief

Cruz Wrong on Sandy Relief

Sen. Ted Cruz wrongly claimed that a 2013 Hurricane Sandy relief bill was “filled with pork and unrelated spending,” estimating that “two-thirds of what was spent in that bill had little or nothing to do with Hurricane Sandy.”

Video: The Final Debate

Video: The Final Debate

CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews four claims from the final presidential debate in his latest fact-checking video as part of our weekly series with the host of “State of the Union.”

Video: The Final Debate

Video: The Final Debate

This video features eight claims that we fact-checked at the third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Clinton on the Stump

Clinton on the Stump

Part two of our series checking the accuracy of claims made by the presidential candidates in their daily stump speeches.

Trump on ‘Zombie’ Spending

Trump on ‘Zombie’ Spending

Trump says he could “stop funding programs that are not authorized in law” to help pay for more spending on the military. But unauthorized spending isn’t necessarily wasteful spending.

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)

As we do every three months, we offer here a fresh update of selected statistical indicators of what has happened since Barack Obama first took the oath of office in January 2009.