A statistical measure of the U.S. on crime, guns, jobs, health insurance and more under Barack Obama.
Issues: government spending
Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)
Obama’s Numbers October 2014 Update
Attacking Rick Allen’s Government Contracts
A Narrow View of Barrow’s Record
Obama’s Numbers (July 2014 Update)
No, Asa Didn’t
Pork, Served Two Ways, in Iowa
Christie vs. Paul and the Facts
McConnell Fudges Fiscal Facts, Too
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell twisted some fiscal facts in his appearances on the Sunday talk show circuit:
McConnell said the Obama administration has “driven spending as a percentage of our economy from 21 percent up to almost 25 percent.” But it was already projected to be almost 25 percent — actually 24.9 percent — in fiscal year 2009 even before Obama took office.
He also said “99 percent of Americans will not see their taxes go up”