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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Health Care Law Waivers

Q: Has the Obama administration allowed corporations to "opt out" of the new health care law?
A: No. The government has granted more than 200 waivers, but these merely give companies a temporary delay before being required to improve the coverage of cheap, bare-bones plans they currently offer.

Earmarks, Taxes and Premium Hikes

In episode 38 of our podcast, we highlight false statements from Democrats on the Sunday talk shows, and exaggerations from Republicans about the impact of the new health care law on premiums.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Sunday Replay  Nov. 15
The Truth About Health Insurance Premiums  Nov. 19

Health Care Spin — Again

As the election draws near, some conservative groups are making ever-wilder claims about the new health care law: An elderly man in a Crossroads GPS ad makes the death-panel-esque claim that the law “threatens our lives.” The 60 Plus Association …

Bad Rap? Health Care Law Blamed for Sale of Catholic Hospitals

Republicans are claiming the new health care law is a “main reason” for the sale of three Catholic hospitals in Pennsylvania. And a conservative Catholic group is running a radio ad saying it is "the" reason. But the hospitals’ CEO says his words are being twisted and the new law isn’t the “precipitating factor” behind the sale.
The hospital group says in a news release that "[t]he rationale for our initiative has been mischaracterized by certain politicized media outlets and severely distorted by some special interest groups."

Alaska and West Virginia Senate Races, and Health Care

In episode 32 of our podcast, we look at ads in the Alaska and West Virginia Senate races, and we debunk bogus claims about the health care law — again.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Murkowski vs. Tea Party, Round 2  Oct. 6
Pataki's Bogus Health Care Claims  Oct. 6
Dust-Up in Coal Country  Oct. 1

Pataki’s Bogus Health Care Claims

A conservative group led by former New York Gov. George Pataki has launched two nearly identical ads criticizing Democratic Reps. Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire and John Hall of New York for voting for the new health care law. Pataki said …

Crossroads Jam-Up

The latest ads from the American Crossroads “super PAC” attack Democrats running for Senate seats in Colorado, Illinois, Ohio, Nevada, Missouri and New Hampshire. The ads contain a number of misleading and false claims. …

FactChecking ‘The Pledge’

The Republican “Pledge to America,” released Sept. 23, contains some dubious factual claims. It declares that “the only parts of the economy expanding are government and our national debt.” Not true. . . .

Health Care, Social Security and Vietnam

In episode 30 of our podcast, we look at deceptive ads from a conservative group on the new health care law, misleading spots on Social Security from Democrats, and a false claim about a GOP House candidate and draft dodging.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Misleading Onslaught by 60 Plus  Sept. 17
Social Security: (Mostly) in Their Own Words  Sept. 21
Patriotism Falsely Impugned  Sept. 22

NRSC Ad a Loser in Kentucky

The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s first ad against Democratic Senate candidate Jack Conway attacks him for supporting "a government takeover of health care."
This isn’t the first time we’ve written about Republican ads mischaracterizing the new health care law as a "government takeover," and unfortunately we’re certain it won’t be the last. This is one of the GOP’s top campaign themes.

The ad against Conway, Kentucky’s attorney general, also hits him for not joining other, mostly Republican,