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Video: SOTU and the Democratic Response

Video: SOTU and the Democratic Response

We fact-check several claims from President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, and one from the Democratic response, in this video.

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

In the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses, there were fewer candidates — only six — but more than a few false, misleading and exaggerated claims.

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg charged in a TV ad that President Trump had “broken” a “promise” to protect those with preexisting conditions. Trump fired back that he “saved Pre-Existing Conditions.” In fact, Trump backed plans that would have weakened current protections.

Sanders Misleads on Family Health Care Costs

Sanders Misleads on Family Health Care Costs

Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to make the misleading claim that “the average family of four spends $28,000 a year on health care.” That’s the projected average cost for employer-sponsored health insurance for “typical” families of that size, but the employer paid 56% of the total amount in 2018.

Is Right to Try Saving a ‘Lot of People’?

Is Right to Try Saving a ‘Lot of People’?

President Donald Trump last year signed a bill — the Right to Try Act — that provided another avenue for terminally ill patients to gain access to unapproved medications still in development. But there’s no evidence that the new law is saving “a lot of people,” as the president claims.