The most recent statistical measures of how the U.S. has changed since the president took office.
Issues: health insurance
Biden Repeats Misleading Talking Point on Preexisting Conditions
In praising the Affordable Care Act, President Joe Biden misleadingly warned of the consequences if Republicans ever repealed the law, saying that would mean “100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies.” But those Americans could only be denied coverage on the individual market.
Trump’s Final Numbers
FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall
Trump’s Numbers, Preelection Update
FactChecking Biden’s SCOTUS Speech and Repeats
Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s effort in court to nullify the Affordable Care Act would “take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can’t get coverage.” They wouldn’t all lose coverage, as the claim suggests, barring highly unlikely circumstances.