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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Facts on the GOP Health Care Bills

The Facts on the GOP Health Care Bills

House and Senate Republicans have released legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. How do the GOP plans differ from the ACA? We look at the major provisions.

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that “nobody ever deducts all the people that have already lost their health insurance” from estimates on how many have gained insurance under the Affordable Care Act, or stand to lose it if the law is repealed.

Video: The Second Debate

Video: The Second Debate

In this video, we highlight six claims from the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Oct. 9 in St. Louis.

Trump’s Press Conference

Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in an hour-long press conference — on Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton’s emails and more.

Obama’s Numbers July 2016 Update

Obama’s Numbers July 2016 Update

Our quarterly update of statistical indicators on jobs, wages, debt, energy, illegal immigration, food stamps and more.

Trump’s Cherry-Picked ACA Rates

Trump’s Cherry-Picked ACA Rates

Republican front-runner Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed, for months, that premiums under the Affordable Care Act are “going up 35, 45, 55 percent.” Trump cherry-picks insurers’ rate increases on the ACA marketplaces.

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update

Trade deficit and illegal immigration are down; real weekly earnings and federal debt are up. Our quarterly update of Obama’s scorecard.

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

The Clinton campaign has made a series of misleading attacks on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health care plan, saying he wants to “dismantle Medicare” and private insurance and that he would turn over “your and my health insurance to governors.” Not exactly.