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Autopsy Study Doesn’t Show COVID-19 Vaccines Are Unsafe

Autopsy Study Doesn’t Show COVID-19 Vaccines Are Unsafe

To date, the benefits of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination outweigh the risks, which include a rare but increased risk of myocarditis, or heart inflammation. Social media posts, however, are citing a German autopsy study to misleadingly suggest otherwise.

Grant Wahl Died from Aortic Aneurysm, No Link to COVID-19 Vaccine

Grant Wahl Died from Aortic Aneurysm, No Link to COVID-19 Vaccine

American sportswriter Grant Wahl died unexpectedly while covering the soccer World Cup in Qatar, and purveyors of vaccine misinformation have suggested that his death was caused by COVID-19 vaccination. He actually died from the rupture of an aortic aneurysm that he didn’t know he had.

Blood Transfusion Doesn’t Transfer COVID-19 Vaccine

Blood Transfusion Doesn’t Transfer COVID-19 Vaccine

A blood transfusion from a vaccinated person doesn’t transfer the inoculation to an unvaccinated person. But high-profile purveyors of misinformation have been promoting the long-standing false claim that it does.

Viral NASA Story Gets Science Wrong

Viral NASA Story Gets Science Wrong

Q: Is NASA “spraying Americans with lithium and other chemicals”?

A: No. The space agency uses such materials, which are also used in fireworks, in the upper atmosphere – way above where planes fly. Experts say it’s “extremely unlikely” even “a minute amount” would reach Earth’s surface.

Fake Clinton Medical Records

Fake Clinton Medical Records

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton got a clean bill of health from her doctor, fake medical records for Clinton are circulating on some conservative websites, purporting to show that she suffers from seizures and dementia.