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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Coming to America

Coming to America

Q: Is President Obama flying children from Central America to the U.S.?
A: Yes. An administration program allows certain immigrant parents lawfully in the U.S. to bring their children to the country as refugees or parolees.

Immigration Ad Distorts ‘Tax Implications’

Immigration Ad Distorts ‘Tax Implications’

A new TV spot claims Americans will be “stuck with the tax bill” for President Obama’s order giving legal status to millions of immigrants. But those immigrants will produce more in taxes than they will consume, according to the very authority cited by the ad’s sponsor.

False Narrative on Measles Outbreak

False Narrative on Measles Outbreak

Rep. Mo Brooks and potential presidential hopeful Ben Carson both suggested a connection between illegal immigration and the spread of diseases such as measles in the United States.

The Santorum File

The Santorum File

Rick Santorum has announced he will run again for president in 2016. This is our report on some of the false or misleading remarks he has made over the years.

Bachmann’s Immigration Exaggerations

Bachmann’s Immigration Exaggerations

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann wrongly suggested that Obama is granting citizenship and voting privileges to immigrants who are in the country illegally. His executive actions do neither of those.

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

President Obama said “deportations of criminals are up 80 percent.” But an independent analysis found that increase is driven largely by the removal of individuals “whose most serious conviction was an immigration or traffic violation.”

FactChecking the Louisiana Senate Race

FactChecking the Louisiana Senate Race

It ain’t over till it’s over. Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu and her Republican challenger, Rep. Bill Cassidy, are now headed to a Dec. 6 runoff in Louisiana.

FlackCheck.org Video: Midterm Deceptions

FlackCheck.org Video: Midterm Deceptions

FlackCheck.org, our sister website for political literacy, looks at two recent political campaign ads that mislead viewers using common patterns of deception.

Headed for the Hall of Shame

Headed for the Hall of Shame

A Republican ad attacking Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas says he “voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.” Actually, what Pryor voted for wouldn’t have paid a penny to any immigrant while here illegally.

Rick Perry Misuses ‘Criminal Alien’ Data

Rick Perry Misuses ‘Criminal Alien’ Data

In discussing his decision to send the National Guard to the Mexico border, Texas Gov. Rick Perry repeatedly has misused data on “criminal aliens” arrested in Texas.