Our latest quarterly look at various statistical measures during Biden’s presidency.
Issues: Illegal immigration
FactChecking Trump’s New Hampshire Victory Speech
FactChecking Trump’s Iowa Town Hall
FactChecking the Haley-DeSantis GOP Debate
Debunking Bogus Claim of ‘Bipartisan’ Support for Mayorkas Impeachment Hearings
Legislators often tout support for some piece of legislation as bipartisan, even if only a few members from the opposing party back it. But in an announcement about committee hearings to investigate the possible impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, one Republican is taking claims of bipartisanship to absurd new lengths.
The Whoppers of 2023
Biden’s Numbers, October 2023 Update
Biden’s Border Wall, Explained
FactChecking the Second GOP Primary Debate
Posts Misrepresent Use of Floodgates at Southern Border
To avoid damage from heavy rains, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have opened floodgates along Arizona’s border fencing during monsoon season since 2009. But social media users, including Sen. Ted Cruz, shared posts with the misleading claim that the Biden administration opened the gates “by design” to allow illegal immigration.