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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has resorted to a rhetorical sleight of hand in recent days to defend the Trump administration’s policy of separating families that illegally cross the border.

Q&A on Border Detention of Children

Q&A on Border Detention of Children

The controversy surrounding family separations at the U.S. Southern border has prompted outrage, opinions and finger-pointing. It has also raised a number of questions, including from our readers. We answer those questions here.

Video: Has Trump’s Wall Construction Begun?

Video: Has Trump’s Wall Construction Begun?

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s repeated claim that construction has begun on his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

Trump’s and Pelosi’s Immigration Spat

President Donald Trump’s use of the word “animals” in what he says was a reference to MS-13 gang members has resulted in a spat between the president and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

NextGen Climate Action Committee

NextGen Climate Action Committee is a liberal environmental advocacy organization founded by San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer.

Muddying a Trump Loyalty Test

Muddying a Trump Loyalty Test

In Republican primaries where loyalty to President Donald Trump’s agenda is a litmus test for many voters, the approval of a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill has become a political weapon — no matter how lawmakers voted.

Has the Border Wall Begun?

Has the Border Wall Begun?

Q: Has President Donald Trump started building the wall between United States and Mexico?

A: Congress approved $1.6 billion to replace existing barriers and add some fencing in new areas. The new barriers are not concrete and not like any of Trump’s wall prototypes.

Trump’s ‘Chain Migration’ Fable

Trump’s ‘Chain Migration’ Fable

President Donald Trump repeatedly has claimed that Sayfullo Saipov — the Uzbekistan national who was arrested for a deadly terrorist attack in New York City last year — brought 22 people with him into the United States through “chain migration.” There’s no evidence of that, and it’s likely not even possible.

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Tweets

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration Tweets

President Donald Trump fired off a flurry of immigration-related tweets beginning on Easter morning, but his messages included muddled and inaccurate claims.

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

President Donald Trump cited a contested report from an organization that advocates low immigration to claim that a wall along the southern border will pay for itself, because those stopped from illegally crossing would not be a burden on taxpayers.