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Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

Video: Trump’s Claim on Diversity Visas

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s bogus claim that other countries are abusing a U.S. immigration program to send the “the worst of the worst.”

The DACA Population Numbers

The DACA Population Numbers

President Donald Trump said he has “heard” varying numbers on the DACA population — from 650,000 to 3 million. In fact, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said there were 689,800 active DACA recipients as of Sept. 4, 2017.

Cornyn’s ‘Generous’ Immigration Claim

Cornyn’s ‘Generous’ Immigration Claim

Texas Sen. John Cornyn says the U.S. is “the most generous country in the world when it comes to legal immigration.” It’s true that the U.S. gives permanent legal status and citizenship to more immigrants than other industrialized nations, but it also has the third largest population in the world.

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Trump’s Baseless Immigration Claim

Arguing for a merit-based immigration system, President Donald Trump offered a muddled, inaccurate and unsubstantiated critique of a program that annually provides visas by lottery to qualified and screened applicants from countries with low immigration rates.

Trump Spreads False Anti-Muslim Tweet

Trump Spreads False Anti-Muslim Tweet

President Donald Trump retweeted a video that purported to show a “Muslim migrant” beating up “a Dutch boy on crutches.” But, according to the Netherlands Embassy in the United States, the attacker wasn’t an immigrant. He was born and raised in the Netherlands.

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

Schumer and the Diversity Visa Lottery

President Donald Trump criticized Sen. Chuck Schumer for helping to create the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program used by an Uzbekistan-born immigrant charged with killing eight people in New York City. We explain how the program works and Schumer’s role in creating it.

Spinning the Facts on DACA

Spinning the Facts on DACA

In rescinding the Obama-era Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ selective use of facts leaves a misleading impression of the program.

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

Video: Trump on the RAISE Act

In a segment that aired on several local NBC news stations, FactCheck.org Deputy Managing Editor Robert Farley discussed President Donald Trump’s inaccurate claim that the RAISE Act “prevents … new immigrants from collecting welfare.”

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

At a rally in West Virginia, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration is “bringing back to America” manufacturing jobs “by the hundreds of thousands.”