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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Twists Facts on Murder Case

Trump Twists Facts on Murder Case

Donald Trump falsely claimed that a “criminal alien” released from prison in 2012 and later convicted of murdering a Connecticut woman in 2015 was “set free by [Hillary] Clinton’s watch” when she was secretary of state.

Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Trump Twists Facts on WikiLeaks

Donald Trump cited apparent excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s past closed-door speeches, contained in emails leaked by WikiLeaks, but he twisted those excerpts in some cases.

Trump Muddies Immigrant Voting Issue

Trump Muddies Immigrant Voting Issue

Donald Trump mangled the facts when he claimed that the Obama administration is “letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote.”

Video: FactChecking the Veep Debate

Video: FactChecking the Veep Debate

FlackCheck.org, our sister website for political literacy, looks at a sampling of the claims that we flagged during the only vice presidential debate of the general election.

Clinton on the Stump

Clinton on the Stump

Part two of our series checking the accuracy of claims made by the presidential candidates in their daily stump speeches.

Trump on the Stump

Trump on the Stump

We are checking the accuracy of claims made by the presidential candidates in their daily stump speeches. First up: Trump.

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Video: Trump Talks Immigration

Donald Trump’s trip to Mexico and his speech in Arizona on immigration are the focus of this week’s fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Two days after Donald Trump gave a major speech on economics in Detroit, Hillary Clinton came to Michigan to offer a rebuttal. We found that Clinton stretched the facts on a few points.