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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?

‘Amnesty Bonuses’?

Q: Will people living in the U.S. illegally receive “amnesty bonuses” because of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration?
A: There is no automatic payment, but some working immigrants could claim up to four years of earned income tax credits if they meet eligibility requirements.

All U.S. Jobs Did Not Go to Immigrants

All U.S. Jobs Did Not Go to Immigrants

Rick Santorum touted a shocking statistic to Iowa voters: Of the “6 million net new jobs created in America” since 2000, “all of them” are held by immigrants. That’s not accurate.

FactChecking the GOP Responses

FactChecking the GOP Responses

There were multiple official and unofficial Republican responses to President Obama’s State of the Union address, but only a few instances of the president’s critics stretching the facts.

No Back Taxes in Immigration Action

No Back Taxes in Immigration Action

President Barack Obama misspoke when he said that immigrants living illegally in the U.S. would have to “pay any back taxes” in order to qualify for work papers under the plan he initiated via executive action. They would not.

The Santorum File

The Santorum File

Rick Santorum has announced he will run again for president in 2016. This is our report on some of the false or misleading remarks he has made over the years.

Does ACA Give Incentive to Hire Immigrants?

Does ACA Give Incentive to Hire Immigrants?

Q: Did Obama’s executive actions on immigration include a $3,000 bonus to employers for each immigrant they hire instead of U.S. citizens?
A: Not exactly. In very limited cases, employers may avoid the Affordable Care Act’s penalty if they hire immigrants who are not eligible for health care subsidies. But the law bars employers from discriminating against employees based on eligibility.

Spinning Immigration Data

Spinning Immigration Data

President Obama exaggerated when talking about declines in illegal border crossings, and Republican Rick Santorum made a misleading claim about the foreign-born population in the United States.

Obama and Cruz Clash on Immigration

Obama and Cruz Clash on Immigration

President Obama and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made seemingly conflicting statements about public opinion on the president’s plan to address immigration issues in the U.S.

Obama’s Actions ‘Same’ as Past Presidents?

Obama’s Actions ‘Same’ as Past Presidents?

President Obama repeatedly claimed that there is presidential precedent for the executive actions he took on immigration. But are the actions Obama announced really the “same kinds of actions” taken by past presidents?