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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

John Kerry Not ‘Facing Prison’

Q: Is John Kerry “facing prison after interfering with Iran”?

A: No. Kerry reportedly met with an Iranian official to discuss saving the Iran nuclear agreement, but no charges have been brought and he is not “facing prison.”  

Video: Trump Blames Corker for Iran Deal

Video: Trump Blames Corker for Iran Deal

CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org deconstruct President Donald Trump’s misleading claim that Sen. Bob Corker was “largely responsible” for the Iran nuclear deal.

Trump Misleads on Corker

Trump Misleads on Corker

President Donald Trump misleadingly claimed Sen. Bob Corker “gave us the Iran Deal.” Corker, who opposed the nuclear deal with Iran negotiated by the Obama administration, helped craft a bipartisan bill that allowed the House and Senate to review the agreement.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

We give a rundown of repeated claims in our “Groundhog Friday” feature. This week’s edition includes claims on jobs, Iran, the trade deficit and income inequality.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This edition of Groundhog Friday features repeat claims from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the Iran nuclear deal, foreign policy experience and wages.

Trump’s Fanciful Iran Negotiation

Trump’s Fanciful Iran Negotiation

In spinning a fanciful tale of how he would have negotiated a tougher nuclear agreement with Iran, Donald Trump betrayed a fundamental misunderstanding of who controlled billions of dollars in Iranian assets that were unfrozen as part of the deal.