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Yes, Trump Said Bush ‘Lied’

Yes, Trump Said Bush ‘Lied’

Donald Trump denied that he ever accused President George W. Bush of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. “I didn’t say lie,” Trump said. That’s false. Trump at least twice — most recently in a debate last month — said Bush “lied.”

Donald Trump and the Iraq War

Donald Trump and the Iraq War

Donald Trump has repeated throughout his presidential campaign that he opposed the Iraq war before the March 19, 2003 invasion. But there’s no evidence of that. Here’s a timeline of statements Trump made in 2002 and 2003 about the war.

Bush, Clinton Play Blame Game in Iraq

Bush, Clinton Play Blame Game in Iraq

Who’s responsible for withdrawing all U.S. combat troops from Iraq at the end of 2011? Jeb Bush says President Obama is to blame, while Hillary Clinton’s campaign says President George W. Bush signed the agreement that set the withdrawal date.

Sanders’ PTSD Statistic

Sanders’ PTSD Statistic

Sometimes politicians are right, but their campaigns can’t prove it. And we do. That’s what happened when we took a look at Sen. Bernie Sanders’ talking point about veterans.

Rand Paul Revises History of Cheney Criticism

Rand Paul Revises History of Cheney Criticism

Sen. Rand Paul dismissed comments he once made about Dick Cheney’s motives for invading Iraq by claiming they were made “before I was involved in politics for myself.” That’s false.

Cheney’s Tortured Facts

Cheney’s Tortured Facts

The former vice president offers misleading spin in defending CIA interrogation tactics.