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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Whoppers Of 2006

The mid-term elections of 2006 brought an unprecedented barrage of advertising containing much that is false or misleading.

False Claims About Body Armor

A new ad claims Republican Sen. George Allen of Virginia “voted against giving our troops” modern body armor. He did no such thing.

A Misleading Appeal To Fear

The pro-Bush group Progress for America is running a TV ad appealing directly to Americans’ fear of terrorists, saying bluntly “These people want to kill us.”

Misquoting Lincoln

Bush supporters falsely quote Lincoln as advocating arresting, exiling or hanging members of Congress who damage military morale in wartime.

Misstatement of the Union

The President burnishes the State of the Union through selective facts and strategic omissions.

Polling in Iraq: Who’s Right?

Bush says 70 per cent of Iraqis see their lives going well, but MoveOn.org says most Iraqis want US troops out. Both sides are right, up to a point.

A Tortured History

President Bush has declared repeatedly, “we do not torture.” But claims of prisoner abuse continue to surface, Amnesty International has declared the US detention center in Cuba to be “a gulag,” and the administration has yet to deny a news report that it holds scores of suspects in secret CIA prisons overseas.