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Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

Video: Trump’s Press Conference

Video: Trump’s Press Conference

This video highlights some of the false or misleading statements that Donald Trump made in his first press conference as president-elect.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

In his first press conference since July, President-elect Donald Trump repeated some false and misleading claims on jobs, health care and his tax returns.

The Final Push: Trump

The Final Push: Trump

With the presidential election just a few days away, we offer a sampling of the misleading claims made by Donald Trump during speeches this week.

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

Boustany’s Flawed ISIS, Oil Claims

In a TV ad, Republican Rep. Charles Boustany falsely states that “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to declare war on ISIS,” and wrongly suggests that Obama and Clinton “banned oil exports.”

Video: Obama, Clinton Not ISIS ‘Founders’

Video: Obama, Clinton Not ISIS ‘Founders’

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper refutes Donald Trump’s claim that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.”

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Donald Trump claims that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.” But the origin of the Islamic State terrorist group dates back to the Bush administration.

Trump’s False Muslim Claim

Trump’s False Muslim Claim

Trump wrongly claimed that a Pew Research Center survey found that among the world’s Muslims, “27 percent, could be 35 percent, would go to war” against the U.S.

False Debate Claims Put in Ads

False Debate Claims Put in Ads

Two claims from the fifth Republican debate that we flagged as misleading are now being used in new TV ads.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields

Donald Trump says the U.S. is “just starting … as of two days ago” to heed his advice to “attack the oil” fields controlled by the Islamic State group. The U.S. has changed its policy, but it happened more than four weeks ago — not two days ago.