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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Misleads on Jobs

Trump Misleads on Jobs

Following the release of the latest jobs report on March 7, President Donald Trump suggested that his administration — which has been in office since Jan. 20 — is responsible for significant job growth. The growth in February was steady, but to support his claims, Trump made several misleading statements about the economy he inherited.

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Press Briefings

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Press Briefings

President Donald Trump made several false, misleading and exaggerated claims in press briefings he held Aug. 7 and 8 at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

President Donald Trump’s latest campaign-style rally was in Youngstown, Ohio, where the president made some false and misleading claims about military spending, immigrants and job creation.

Clinton Wrong on Debate Claim

Clinton Wrong on Debate Claim

Hillary Clinton, who declared that she is “now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance,” falsely claimed that no debate moderator ever asked Donald Trump, “how are you going to create more jobs”? It was asked in two of the three debates.

Trump’s TV Campaign Ad

Trump’s TV Campaign Ad

A TV ad from the Donald J. Trump for President campaign committee praises Trump’s first 100 days, but it stretches the facts on some of his accomplishments.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

With less than two weeks left till Election Day, presidential and vice presidential nominees are crisscrossing the nation to get votes — and crossing up the voters with false and misleading claims.

Mislabeling a ‘Liberal Insider’

Mislabeling a ‘Liberal Insider’

The anti-tax group Club for Growth Action is attacking an Indiana Republican candidate for the House, Kip Tom, as a “liberal insider.” We find the evidence doesn’t support that claim.

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

Rick Perry, in his last official speech as Texas governor, mixed and matched jobs data to embellish the state’s job gains.

Spinning Gov. Chris Christie’s Greatest Hits

Spinning Gov. Chris Christie’s Greatest Hits

A TV ad in support of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie supplies some misleading information about the governor’s record. The ad praises Christie and unnamed “reformers from both sides” for:

“Creating jobs.” But the state has added only 37,100 jobs since he took office in January 2010. New Jersey and national unemployment rates were identical (9.7 percent) when Christie became governor. The state’s unemployment rate is now 9.1 percent — a full percentage point higher than the national average and fifth highest among all states.

The Whoppers of 2011

The Whoppers of 2011

Despite what you may have heard in 2011: The new health care law won’t cost many jobs (and they’ll be poorly paying jobs at that). Republicans aren’t proposing to “end” Medicare (and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden has signed onto a modified version …