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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

We give a rundown of repeated claims in our “Groundhog Friday” feature. This week’s edition includes claims on jobs, Iran, the trade deficit and income inequality.

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Trump’s Job Loss Exaggeration

Donald Trump distorted the facts when he claimed New York’s job losses during Hillary Clinton’s eight years as the state’s U.S. senator were “worse than just about any place in the country.”

More Bogus Trumponomics

More Bogus Trumponomics

Donald Trump mangled his economic facts — again — when he said many people are working two jobs largely “because of this horrible Obamacare.”

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This week’s Groundhog Friday — a wrap-up of political claims we’ve debunked before — includes assertions about illegal immigration, tax returns, jobs, wages, the Iraq War and the trade deficit.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This week, the candidates for the White House repeated claims they’ve made before on nuclear weapons, jobs and wages.

Trump’s ‘Two Americas’

Trump’s ‘Two Americas’

Donald Trump’s new TV ad promises a bright future if he’s elected, and a gloomy one if Hillary Clinton wins. But that’s based on murky evidence and misrepresentations.

Groundhog Friday

This week, we have an all-Trump-ticket edition of Groundhog Friday, our wrap-up of debunked claims that politicians keep repeating.

Clinton Plays Partisan Game

Clinton Plays Partisan Game

Hillary Clinton said an economic analysis from a well-respected macroeconomics firm came from “somebody who advised John McCain back in 2008, so you know that, no, he’s not a Democrat.” Actually, he is a Democrat.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

This week’s edition of Groundhog Friday, our wrap-up of repeated claims we’ve debunked before, includes claims on guns, health insurance premiums, wages and income inequality.

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Two days after Donald Trump gave a major speech on economics in Detroit, Hillary Clinton came to Michigan to offer a rebuttal. We found that Clinton stretched the facts on a few points.