Our latest update of what’s happened in the U.S. under Biden’s presidency.
Issues: jobs
Biden’s Numbers, April Update
FactChecking Biden’s Reelection Remarks
Video: Hearst on the State of the Union
FactChecking the State of the Union
Biden’s Numbers, January 2023 Update
Biden’s Claims About an Increase in Exports Ignore Larger Growth in Imports
Biden’s Numbers, October 2022 Update
Biden’s Numbers (Second Quarterly Update)
COVID-19 Vaccines Were Available Before Biden Took Office, Contrary to False Tweet
When Joe Biden was sworn in as president, two COVID-19 vaccines had already been authorized and millions of people nationwide had been vaccinated against the disease. But in a May 12 tweet touting economic progress made under Biden, the White House falsely claimed that “there was no vaccine available” at the time he was inaugurated.