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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says the Republican tax plans will be a “job-killer,” but most economic analyses of the plans suggest, on balance, modest job growth.

Obama’s Final Numbers

Obama’s Final Numbers

The numbers are nearly all in now. What they show about what really happened during the eight years that Barack Obama was president is sometimes different from what politicians claimed.

Video: Trump’s Job Boast

Video: Trump’s Job Boast

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org highlight a claim that President Donald Trump made about the nation’s job growth.

Trump’s U.N. Speech

Trump’s U.N. Speech

The president made misleading boasts about his record on the economy and foreign issues.

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

The president revises history, exaggerates accomplishments and makes false claims.

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

At a rally in West Virginia, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration is “bringing back to America” manufacturing jobs “by the hundreds of thousands.”

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

President Donald Trump’s latest campaign-style rally was in Youngstown, Ohio, where the president made some false and misleading claims about military spending, immigrants and job creation.

Pelosi’s Partisan Pick on Jobs Analysis

Pelosi’s Partisan Pick on Jobs Analysis

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi cites research from two partisan groups to claim that the Republican health care bill would result in the loss of 1.8 million jobs by 2022. But a recent independent study put the expected job loss at 413,000 by that year.

Trump’s Coal Spin

Trump’s Coal Spin

President Donald Trump touted the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania as evidence that his administration is “putting the miners back to work.” But construction of the mine in question began before the 2016 election. And experts say it’s not evidence of a resurgence in coal mining.