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Clinton’s Greatest Hits

Clinton’s Greatest Hits

A compendium of the top false and misleading claims by the Democratic presidential candidate.

Gary Johnson’s False Marijuana Claim

Gary Johnson’s False Marijuana Claim

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson claimed that “no politicians outside of Bernie Sanders and myself support legalizing marijuana” at the “congressional, gubernatorial, senatorial level.” He’s wrong.

Video: Clinton on Marijuana Research

Video: Clinton on Marijuana Research

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper, with the help of FactCheck.org, fact-checks Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s claim that “you can’t do any research about” marijuana because it’s a Schedule I drug. That’s false.

Clinton on Marijuana Research

Clinton on Marijuana Research

Hillary Clinton said at a town hall meeting that “you can’t do any research about” marijuana because it’s a Schedule I drug. That’s false. Schedule I classification makes it difficult to conduct research on a substance, but not impossible.

Fiorina Shortchanges Marijuana Research

Fiorina Shortchanges Marijuana Research

In questioning the value of medicinal marijuana, Carly Fiorina said “we don’t understand how it interacts with other drugs.” In fact, there is information about marijuana’s interactions with other medications.

Paul’s Injustice Inaccuracies

Paul’s Injustice Inaccuracies

Sen. Rand Paul used a recent speech to Maryland Republicans partly to address injustices in the legal system. But he botched one statistic and slightly exaggerated another one.

FlackCheck Video: Marijuana

FlackCheck Video: Marijuana

This FlackCheck.org video looks at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s claim that marijuana is a “gateway drug.” The video is based on an April 23 report from SciCheck.

Is Marijuana Really a ‘Gateway Drug’?

Is Marijuana Really a ‘Gateway Drug’?

Though there are correlations between marijuana use and other drugs, there is no conclusive evidence that one actually causes the other. The science on this topic is far from settled.