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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Medicaid’s Doctor Participation Rates

Medicaid’s Doctor Participation Rates

It’s a common criticism of the Medicaid program — that the doctor participation rate is lower than the rate for Medicare or private insurance. The implication is that Medicaid patients cannot access care, and it has gotten worse under the ACA. But experts say that’s misleading.

Price’s Grand Pronouncement

Price’s Grand Pronouncement

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price claimed that under the GOP health care plan, “I firmly believe that nobody will be worse off financially.” But there are plenty of reasons to doubt that.

The Facts on the GOP Health Care Bills

The Facts on the GOP Health Care Bills

House and Senate Republicans have released legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. How do the GOP plans differ from the ACA? We look at the major provisions.

Harry Reid’s Wild Exaggerations

Harry Reid’s Wild Exaggerations

In a floor speech, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid made some wildly exaggerated claims about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

The Clinton campaign has made a series of misleading attacks on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health care plan, saying he wants to “dismantle Medicare” and private insurance and that he would turn over “your and my health insurance to governors.” Not exactly.

Clinton’s Shaky Cost-Shifting Claim

Clinton’s Shaky Cost-Shifting Claim

Hillary Clinton claimed that private insurance premiums have “gone up so much” in some states that didn’t expand Medicaid because hospitals shifted their costs for providing emergency care for the uninsured. But we have found no data to support that claim, and the idea that such cost shifting occurs is debated.

FactChecking the GOP Debate, Early Edition

FactChecking the GOP Debate, Early Edition

The Republican presidential candidates who failed to make the cut for the Aug. 6 prime-time debate repeated a number of past false and misleading claims, while adding some new ones that we hadn’t heard before.

Is Medicaid Bad for Your Health?

Is Medicaid Bad for Your Health?

Under the Affordable Care Act, millions of the uninsured have gained Medicaid coverage. But is Medicaid good for their health, bad for their health, or does it make no difference?