With election day approaching the tempo of ads is increasing, but not the level of factual accuracy. Both sides are making false or misleading claims in their ads.
Issues: medicare
Kerry & Bush Duel Over Medicare Premiums – Who’s To Blame For The 17% Increase?
Bush falsely claims Kerry voted repeatedly to raise premiums. Kerry’s spot blaming Bush alone for the latest increase isn’t much better.
Twisted Facts and Falsehoods in Media Fund Ad
Democratic group’s ad claims Bush turned White House into “corporate headquarters,” but backs that up with false claims.
Bush Says Kerry Will Raise Taxes $900 Billion; Kerry Says That’s False
Attack ad revives question of whether Kerry’s numbers add up.
Gephardt Ad Quotes Dean Out of Context
Tough attack twists Dean’s words about Medicare.
Is Bush Abusing Seniors with Medicare Rx Benefit?
A liberal group’s ad gets a couple facts right, but leaves out the good stuff.
Fibs and Flubs at Democratic Debate
Straining the facts at Iowa’s debate on Sunday Jan. 4.