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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Viral Post Makes False Claim About Medicare Coverage of Dental Work

Viral Post Makes False Claim About Medicare Coverage of Dental Work

Democrats tried but failed to expand Medicare coverage to include dental benefits in the Build Back Better bill. Yet a Facebook post tells seniors they have until Jan. 31 to apply for “free dental work” under a recently announced Medicare “stimulus.” There is no such program, and traditional Medicare doesn’t cover dental work except in rare circumstances.

PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation

PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation

In TV ads, the pharmaceutical industry claims congressional plans to allow the federal government to negotiate drug prices in Medicare would deny beneficiaries’ access to medicines their doctors prescribe. Experts say that’s unlikely, and an inaccurate portrayal of recent legislation.

Trump on the Stump

Trump on the Stump

We identified 46 false and misleading claims Trump made in six stump speeches from Oct. 12 to Oct. 16.

Trump’s Misleading Medicare Boast

Trump’s Misleading Medicare Boast

In a Florida speech about senior citizens, President Donald Trump made misleading comparisons of Medicare costs under his administration and his predecessor’s. 

Biden’s Greatest Hits

Biden’s Greatest Hits

A compendium of the top false and misleading claims by the Democratic presidential candidate.

Trump’s Executive Orders on Prescription Drugs

Trump’s Executive Orders on Prescription Drugs

President Donald Trump recently signed executive orders that he says will reduce drug prices by 50% “and even greater, in certain instances.” That could happen for some individuals, but it remains to be seen how the orders will be implemented and whether they will result in such large reductions.

Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors

Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors

In what has become an annual Washington exercise, Democrats and Republicans are waging a war of words over the president’s proposed budget and how it would affect programs for seniors. President Donald Trump tweeted that he “will not be touching your Social Security or Medicare” in the budget, while Democrats have charged it does exactly that.

Biden vs. Sanders on Social Security and Medicare

Biden vs. Sanders on Social Security and Medicare

Sen. Bernie Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden has a long history of supporting cuts to Social Security. Biden says the opposite is true. We sort through some of the competing claims.