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Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

The Clinton campaign has made a series of misleading attacks on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health care plan, saying he wants to “dismantle Medicare” and private insurance and that he would turn over “your and my health insurance to governors.” Not exactly.

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.

Huckabee Repeats Discredited Claims

Huckabee Repeats Discredited Claims

Mike Huckabee announced he is running for president once again and, in doing so, repeated some old, discredited lines on the economy, health care and tax cuts.

Obama’s Exaggerated Health Care Claims

Obama’s Exaggerated Health Care Claims

President Obama made some exaggerated claims during a recent speech in Cleveland about the Affordable Care Act and the House Republican proposal for Medicare.

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

A Republican TV ad says Senate candidate Rick Weiland is going across South Dakota saying “he’s one of us” when “Weiland supports higher payroll taxes.” Not for all, he doesn’t.

FactChecking the Iowa Senate Race

FactChecking the Iowa Senate Race

Longtime Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin is retiring, and Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley and Republican Iowa state Sen. Joni Ernst are each hoping to be the one to replace him.

FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race

FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race

The Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Sen. Carl Levin.

FactChecking the North Carolina Senate Race

FactChecking the North Carolina Senate Race

The North Carolina Senate race pits incumbent Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan against Republican challenger Thom Tillis. While the two campaigns have aggressively attacked each another, they’ve had a lot of help from outside supporters as well.

Midterm Medicare Mudslinging

Midterm Medicare Mudslinging

Democrats, Republicans spend nearly $50 million on TV ads that repeat old, scary Medicare claims.