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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Old Meme Misinforms on CHIP Funding

Old Meme Misinforms on CHIP Funding

A 2017 meme has resurfaced on Facebook, spreading outdated speculation that the Republicans would not fund the federal Children’s Health Insurance Program. In fact, President Donald Trump signed bipartisan legislation in February 2018 that funds CHIP through fiscal year 2027.

Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme

Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme

Memes circulating widely on social media misidentify a former White House staffer as the whistleblower who touched off the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

Meme Falsely Claims Obama Released al-Baghdadi

Meme Falsely Claims Obama Released al-Baghdadi

Various memes circulating online falsely claim that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader who recently died after a U.S. raid, had been released from U.S. military custody under President Barack Obama. He was actually released in 2004, under President George W. Bush.

Social Media Skews NYC Anti-Discrimination Law

Social Media Skews NYC Anti-Discrimination Law

Memes and videos misrepresent a New York City law by suggesting that everyone in the city will be “banned” from using the term “illegal alien,” or face a $250,000 fine. Actually, the city has only clarified that immigration status can’t be used to discriminate against people in certain situations under a decades old law.

Another Bogus Beto Photo

Another Bogus Beto Photo

A photo circulating online falsely identifies a man who appears to have wet his pants as Beto O’Rourke. The photo actually shows Alexander Giannascoli, a 26-year-old musician, who said he had spilled beer on his pants.

Meme Misleads on Walmart Gun Sales

Meme Misleads on Walmart Gun Sales

A social media meme inaccurately claims that Walmart will no longer sell rifles. Walmart stopped selling “military-style rifles such as the AR-15,” in 2015, and has announced it will no longer sell ammunition for “military-style weapons.” It still sells “long guns for hunting and sport shooting.”