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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Germany Not Seeking Ambassador’s Removal

Germany Not Seeking Ambassador’s Removal

Viral posts online claim incorrectly that Germany has requested the removal of the American ambassador. An opposition party lawmaker in Germany’s Parliament called for that, but the German government itself has not taken that position.

A Made-Up Quote and a Made-Up Target

A Made-Up Quote and a Made-Up Target

A popular meme attributes an ageist and inflammatory remark to a supposed Democrat from New York, but there is no trace of any elected officials by the name Jenna Tull.

Meme Distorts Quran Verses

Meme Distorts Quran Verses

A viral meme has paired old misrepresentations of the Quran with a picture of Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Supposed ‘Child Bride’ Photo Debunked in 2014

Supposed ‘Child Bride’ Photo Debunked in 2014

A photo circulating online claims to show a young girl being “sold into sexual slavery.” But, according to fact-checking sites in 2014, the picture is from an old video of a child participating in a Quran recitation.

Henry Winkler, Democratic Donor, Still Alive

Henry Winkler, Democratic Donor, Still Alive

Henry Winkler is very much alive, contrary to a hoax story about his “death” that falsely claims he had been a “huge Trump supporter” and an NRA member. 

Meme Fabricates Ocasio-Cortez Firing

Meme Fabricates Ocasio-Cortez Firing

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t “fired” from a hot-dog franchise for “incompetence,” despite what a popular meme says.

Meme Spreads Bogus Tax Information

Meme Spreads Bogus Tax Information

A meme is circulating online with false information about changes to tax deductions. Student loan interest, medical expenses, property taxes and charitable donations are still deductible.