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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Photo Not Related to ‘Caravan’

Photo Not Related to ‘Caravan’

Q: Are the people shown dragging a Mexican police officer in a viral photo members of the “migrant caravan”?

A: No. The photo is from 2014 and shows riots following the disappearance of 43 students in southern Mexico.

Viral Meme Misidentifies Nazi Guard as Soros

Viral Meme Misidentifies Nazi Guard as Soros

Q: Is there a bogus viral meme circulating online that purports to show Holocaust survivor George Soros as a Nazi soldier?

A: It is bogus. The photo in the meme is of a Nazi guard who died earlier this year. It is not Soros.

Taking Pelosi Out of Context

Taking Pelosi Out of Context

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi describe how the Democrats use a tactic called the “wrap-up smear” to attack political opponents? 

A: No. Pelosi was describing a tactic that she anticipated Republicans would use against her in 2018. Her remarks were taken out of context in a viral video. 

Bogus Booker Quote Lifted from Satirical Story

Bogus Booker Quote Lifted from Satirical Story

Q: Did Sen. Cory Booker say he’s “sick and tired of the Constitution … manipulating everything we do”?

A: No. That viral quote was lifted from a satirical story.

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Q: Is the Muslim Brotherhood “backing” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams?

A: No. There is no evidence to support that claim, posted in a viral, manipulated image.

A Misleading $17 Million Hush Money Claim

A Misleading $17 Million Hush Money Claim

Q: Has $17 million in taxpayer money been spent on sexual harassment settlements for members of Congress?

A: No. That figure also includes payments for other types of settlements, as well as payments on behalf of employees other than members of Congress over a 21-year period.

Matt Damon Not Moving to Avoid Trump

Matt Damon Not Moving to Avoid Trump

Q: Is actor Matt Damon “moving his family to Australia because of Trump”?

A: No. Damon’s publicist denied that rumor months ago.

Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi say, “I am disgusted with ‘President’ Trump allowing people to keep more of the money they earn”?

A: No. That was a made-up tweet that has been circulating since December 2017.