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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Biden’s Promises ‘Kept’

FactChecking Biden’s Promises ‘Kept’

President Joe Biden punctuated a campaign speech in Philadelphia with the phrase “a promise made and a promise kept,” when chronicling several actions his administration has taken. But in a few cases, he hasn’t kept the promise or he misleadingly described his accomplishments.

Trump’s Executive Orders on Prescription Drugs

Trump’s Executive Orders on Prescription Drugs

President Donald Trump recently signed executive orders that he says will reduce drug prices by 50% “and even greater, in certain instances.” That could happen for some individuals, but it remains to be seen how the orders will be implemented and whether they will result in such large reductions.

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

A Democratic TV ad attacks Sen. Susan Collins for voting twice “to allow drug companies to keep cheaper generic drugs off the market,” but omits the fact that Collins has supported bills intended to increase generic-drug competition and lower prescription costs.

Pinning Down Prescription Drug Prices

Pinning Down Prescription Drug Prices

One aim the president and Democratic 2020 challengers share is the desire to bring down the price of prescription drugs. But is that already happening, or are prices still climbing? The two parties disagree, and it depends on how they’re measuring drug prices.

The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar has described a new policy as “unleashing our Medicare Advantage plans to negotiate discounting on $12 billion of drugs.” Some patient advocacy groups have described the policy as one that “could erect barriers to care for cancer” and put “insurers in control of treatment decisions.” We’ll explain what the new policy entails.

Trump Misleads on High U.S. Drug Costs

Trump Misleads on High U.S. Drug Costs

It’s true, as President Trump says, that branded prescription drugs are generally cheaper outside the U.S. But he distorts the facts when he says, “as usual, the world is taking advantage of us.”