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Q&A on Trump’s Impending Exit from the World Health Organization

Q&A on Trump’s Impending Exit from the World Health Organization

As part of a rash of executive orders completed on his first day back in the White House, President Donald Trump began the nation’s exit from the World Health Organization. Here, we explain how the withdrawal would work and what it would mean, both domestically and abroad. We also fact-check the president on his claims about WHO funding.

Trump’s False Claim on Tijuana Coronavirus Cases

Trump’s False Claim on Tijuana Coronavirus Cases

President Donald Trump falsely claimed, “Tijuana is the most heavily infected place anywhere in the world, as far as the plague is concerned,” referring to the novel coronavirus. 

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

Trump Adds New Falsehood to Pelosi/Chinatown Claims

President Donald Trump has upped the ante in his allegations about Nancy Pelosi and Chinatown, falsely charging that the House speaker urged foreign nationals to “bring your infection” to the San Francisco neighborhood. Pelosi never issued such an invitation.

Biden’s Misleading Ad About Sending Experts to China

Biden’s Misleading Ad About Sending Experts to China

A Biden campaign ad says President Trump failed to send U.S. health experts to China to investigate the novel coronavirus. But two U.S. officials were part of an international team admitted to China in mid-February.

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims

Democrats’ Misleading Coronavirus Claims

Democrats have criticized President Donald Trump for his administration’s response to the new coronavirus, making claims about cuts to public health programs and the silencing of government experts. But they haven’t always gotten their facts right.

Pence Moved Slowly in Combating HIV Outbreak

Pence Moved Slowly in Combating HIV Outbreak

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, newly crowned coronavirus point man Mike Pence spun the facts in claiming he moved decisively when confronted with a disturbing HIV outbreak in a rural Indiana county when he was governor of the state.