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Kerry Falsely Claims Bush Plans To Cut Social Security Benefits

A Kerry ad claims “Bush has a plan to cut Social Security benefits by 30 to 45 percent.” That’s false. Bush has proposed no such plan, and the proposal Kerry refers to would only slow down the growth of benefits, and only for future retirees.

Lies in the E-mail, Part 2

Since my first article on lying e-mails, I’ve gotten dozens of inquiries about a snarky little message blaming Democrats alone for all sorts of bad changes to Social Security. I’m calling it “Lying E-mail #2.”

Bush Ad Is “Troubling” Indeed

The President’s ad recycles bogus claims, then tells only part of the story about Kerry’s position on tax breaks for couples and children.

What To Do When Your Friend’s E-mail Lies To You.

Let me put the matter bluntly: an awful lot of the e-mailed messages zipping around the Internet are lies — and too many are being sent on by gullible, lazy friends who ought to know better.