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FactChecking the CNBC Debates

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

Republicans make false and misleading claims on jobs, taxes and entitlements in economic-focused debates.

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sanders Misleads on Social Security

Sen. Bernie Sanders repeats a Democratic talking point in saying that Social Security hasn’t contributed “one penny” — or “one nickel” — to the deficit. In fact, it contributed $73 billion to the deficit in 2014.

Social Security Bunk — Again

Social Security Bunk — Again

Here we go again: another phony and misleading claim that somebody is “robbing Social Security.”

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.

Chris Christie Spins Economic Data

Chris Christie Spins Economic Data

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a couple of economic claims at a recent forum in New Hampshire that may seem startling at first — until placed into context.

FactChecking Hillary Clinton

FactChecking Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has made it official: She will run for president in the 2016 race. Here’s a look back at some of the claims from Clinton that we’ve fact-checked over the years.

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

A Republican TV ad says Senate candidate Rick Weiland is going across South Dakota saying “he’s one of us” when “Weiland supports higher payroll taxes.” Not for all, he doesn’t.