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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s 100-Day Boasts

Trump’s 100-Day Boasts

President Donald Trump did a flurry of TV interviews and held a campaign-style rally to mark his first 100 days, and he left a trail of false, misleading and sometimes puzzling statements in his wake.

‘100-Day Action Plan’ Scorecard

‘100-Day Action Plan’ Scorecard

As a candidate, Donald Trump issued a “100-day action plan to Make America Great Again.” He has kept some of those promises, broken a few, and many are still a work in progress.

Trump Distorts Ossoff’s Record

Trump Distorts Ossoff’s Record

On the morning of the special House election in Georgia, President Trump fired off two tweets that were critical of Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. Trump claimed Ossoff “will raise your taxes,” but we could find no evidence of Ossoff proposing any broad-based tax increases.

Border Adjustment Baloney

Border Adjustment Baloney

The anti-tax Club for Growth claims in a TV ad that a key Republican tax proposal “will” cost “middle-class families” $1,700 in higher prices. That’s baloney.

The Final Push: Trump

The Final Push: Trump

With the presidential election just a few days away, we offer a sampling of the misleading claims made by Donald Trump during speeches this week.

Trump’s Tax Cut Claims

Trump’s Tax Cut Claims

Donald Trump misleadingly touts tax cuts of 30 percent for “working people” or 35 percent for “a middle-class family with two children,” adding that Hillary Clinton “wants to raise your taxes up to the sky.” That distorts both Trump’s and Clinton’s plans.

Clinton’s Misleading Debt Claims

Clinton’s Misleading Debt Claims

In the final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton claimed that her proposals would “not add a penny to the debt.” But a nonpartisan budget watchdog group estimates that what she has detailed thus far would add $200 billion to the debt over 10 years.

Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

Video: Town Hall Debate Fact-checks

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper goes over seven claims from our analysis of the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.