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‘New’ Taxes Aren’t New

‘New’ Taxes Aren’t New

It’s back! That false chain email about the “new” tax increases that aren’t new is circulating again.

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

An ad from a conservative group attacks Ohio Gov. John Kasich as an “Obama Republican,” and misleadingly claims his budget “raised taxes by billions, hitting businesses hard and the middle class even harder.” The ad only tells half the story.

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

Republicans make false and misleading claims on jobs, taxes and entitlements in economic-focused debates.

Elizabeth Warren on Trump’s Tax Plan

Elizabeth Warren on Trump’s Tax Plan

In this week’s video, Jake Tapper of CNN’s “State of the Union” looks at Jeb Bush’s claim that Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Donald Trump’s tax plan.

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Club for Growth vs. Trump

Donald Trump threatens to sue the conservative Club for Growth if it doesn’t pull its TV ad claiming he “supports higher taxes.” The group says it is merely exposing Trump’s “very liberal” record. Who is right?