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Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Bush’s Hollow Attack on Trump

Jeb Bush mocked Donald Trump by saying liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Trump’s “tax plan.” Warren simply praised Trump’s call to raise taxes on hedge fund managers. Bush’s own tax plan calls for that very same thing.

Mailbag: A Hedge Fund Manager’s Perspective

This week, a reader sent us a letter about the tax rates paid by hedge fund managers.
In the FactCheck Mailbag, we feature some of the email we receive. Readers can send comments to editor@factcheck.org. Letters may be edited for length.
 ‘Carried Interest Argument Is Moot’
Recently you posted an article checking the facts on Bernie Sanders’ statements regarding effective tax rates for hedge fund managers versus firemen, truck drivers, etc. [“Hedge Fund Managers’

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Sen. Bernie Sanders says firefighters, police officers, nurses and truck drivers all pay higher effective tax rates than hedge fund managers. That’s accurate for some in those occupations, but it’s not the case across the board.

The Christie File

The Christie File

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie plans to officially announce his presidential candidacy this morning, joining an already crowded field vying for the Republican nomination.

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Chris Christie repeatedly has said that U.S. corporations are taxed twice on income earned abroad, claiming in one speech that IRS officials “don’t recognize the tax that you paid to a foreign country.” That’s false.

FactChecking Perry

FactChecking Perry

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry will once again seek the presidency. Our file on Perry includes items on immigration, jobs, taxes, the environment and government regulation.

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

FlackCheck Video: Huckabee Announcement

Mike Huckabee is making another run at the presidency after a failed attempt in 2008. This video from FlackCheck.org looks at some of the old lines he repeated during his May 5 announcement speech.

Christie’s False Part-Timer Claim

Christie’s False Part-Timer Claim

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie claims “we’ve had a huge shift from full-time work to part-time work” under President Obama. That’s false.