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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Editing Out the Facts in Alabama

Editing Out the Facts in Alabama

In a Republican primary runoff in Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, Paul DeMarco’s TV ad leaves the false impression that Gary Palmer supported a $1.2 billion tax plan.

Old Trick vs. Blue Dog

Old Trick vs. Blue Dog

A Republican ad claims Mike Ross, the Democratic candidate for governor of Arkansas, voted “against taxpayers” more than 80 times while a member of the House. We find that number to be inflated.

Distorting Perdue’s Position on Taxes

Distorting Perdue’s Position on Taxes

An outside group is claiming that Georgia Republican Senate candidate David Perdue called tax increases an “unavoidable reality,” but Perdue never made such a statement. Perdue remarked that he wants to increase revenues by growing the economy.

Cantor Mislabels Opponent, The Sequel

Cantor Mislabels Opponent, The Sequel

A new ad from House Republican Leader Eric Cantor again misrepresents his primary opponent’s role on a state economic forecasting board, and this time misappropriates our credibility by citing a story in which we dinged Cantor for twisting the facts.

Twisting Tillis’ Tax Record

Twisting Tillis’ Tax Record

Two new ads from Senate Majority PAC wrongly claim North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis “raised taxes on 80 percent of North Carolinians.” The claim is based on a misreading of an analysis of a 2013 Tillis-backed tax plan.

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett compares his record on taxes and jobs with that of Democratic challenger Tom Wolf in a new TV ad called “Toy Story.” It should be called “Tall Story” for its multiple deceptions.

Cantor Mislabels Opponent

Cantor Mislabels Opponent

An ad from House Republican Leader Eric Cantor falsely implies his Republican challenger advised Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine on taxes.

McConnell’s Bloated Tax Boast

McConnell’s Bloated Tax Boast

A new ad from Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell grossly oversells the percentage of Kentuckians that McConnell “saved” from income tax hikes last year.

Rand Paul’s Supply-side Distortion

Rand Paul’s Supply-side Distortion

Sen. Paul claimed that 20 million jobs were created after Ronald Reagan’s dramatic tax cuts in the 1980s, and that this was the “last time” such job growth took place. Paul is wrong on both counts.

False Tax Claims

False Tax Claims

Q: Did Democrats increase federal income tax rates in 2014 under Obamacare?
A: No. Tax increases mentioned in a viral email went into effect a year earlier, as part of a budget deal supported by many Republicans as well as most Democrats.