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Distortions Galore at Second Presidential Debate

Both candidates played loose with the facts at the second Presidential Debate in St. Louis Oct. 8. We offer a sampler of the dubious and sometimes false statements made by each of the candidates.

Are Bush and Cheney “Small Businesses?” Their Ad Counts Them As Such

A Bush-Cheney ’04 ad claims Kerry would raise taxes on 900,000 small businesses and “hurt jobs.” But it counts every high-salaried person who has even $1 of outside business income as a “small business owner” — a definition so broad that even Bush and Cheney have qualified while in office,

Bush Ad Is “Troubling” Indeed

The President’s ad recycles bogus claims, then tells only part of the story about Kerry’s position on tax breaks for couples and children.

Puncturing a Republican Tax Fable

Republican National Chairman Ed Gillespie said “80% of the tax relief for upper income filers goes to small businesses.” That’s untrue – and a classic example of a statistical distortion gone amok.