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Pelosi’s ‘Crumbs’ Comment in Context

Pelosi’s ‘Crumbs’ Comment in Context

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence ridiculed House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi for likening $1,000 bonuses paid to some employees as a result of the GOP tax cuts to “crumbs.” We’re providing the fuller context of Pelosi’s “crumbs” remarks.

Democrats’ Misleading Tax Line

Democrats’ Misleading Tax Line

The Republican tax plan was signed into law just last month, and Democrats already have a well-worn, and misleading, talking point about it.

Pelosi Inflates Tax Cuts

Pelosi Inflates Tax Cuts

Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi claimed that the new tax law will provide “at least a $1.3 trillion tax break for corporations.” That’s misleading.

Trump Inflates Tax Benefits

Trump Inflates Tax Benefits

President Donald Trump misleadingly inflated the benefits of the tax overhaul when he claimed it provides “$3.2 trillion … in tax cuts for American families.” It actually totals about $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for all taxpayers, including corporations.

A Guide to the Tax Changes

A Guide to the Tax Changes

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is now law. Here we compare some of the major provisions of the new law with previous tax code.

Video: Claims about the GOP Tax Plan

Video: Claims about the GOP Tax Plan

In this video, we highlight six common — and inaccurate — claims from Republicans and Democrats about the GOP tax plans.

Video: Misleading Tax Plan Claims

Video: Misleading Tax Plan Claims

This fact-checking video from CNN’s Jake Tapper covers inaccurate claims made by a high-ranking Democrat and Republican about the GOP bills overhauling the U.S. tax system.

Trump Likely Benefits from Tax Bills

Trump Likely Benefits from Tax Bills

President Donald Trump claimed that the Republican tax plans in Congress would “cost me a fortune.” He has offered no proof of that, and it’s highly doubtful. Several provisions of the tax bills would benefit wealthy individuals like Trump.

Trump’s Claims Don’t Add Up

Trump’s Claims Don’t Add Up

The president’s speech on the Republican tax plan oversold the benefits of tax cuts and strayed from the facts on other issues.

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

Pelosi’s Misleading ‘Job-Killer’ Claim

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says the Republican tax plans will be a “job-killer,” but most economic analyses of the plans suggest, on balance, modest job growth.