The National Rifle Association executive director claimed — without offering any evidence — that the FBI was prevented from fully investigating Omar Mateen prior to his attack in Orlando because of “the Obama administration’s political correctness.”
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton criticized Republicans for rejecting a Democratic amendment that would have “block[ed] suspected terrorists from buying guns who are on the no-fly list.” But the measure went beyond the no-fly list.
Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that the woman involved in the San Bernardino, California, shooting had “publicly posted on social media calls to jihad.” There were no such public messages, according to the director of the FBI.
Sen. Marco Rubio said the FBI has asked Apple to disable “the auto-erase mode on one phone in the entire world.” But the FBI, which is seeking access to the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, has asked Apple to write software that could do more than that.
This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper picks a whopper of the year from the top Democratic and Republican candidates for president to discuss in his weekly fact-checking video.